
How to Start Writing Your Own Book: Top 10 Pitfalls to Evade

writing your own book

10 Mistakes to Avoid When You Start Writing Your Own Book

Embarking on the journey of writing your own book can be exhilarating and daunting in equal measure. For many aspiring authors in Australia and beyond, the process is often ambiguous, and riddled with potential pitfalls. At Author Academy, we understand these challenges intimately. So, if you’re contemplating how to start writing your own book, it’s crucial to sidestep common mistakes that could derail your progress.

1. Skipping the Planning Phase

Many new writers dive straight into writing without a clear plan or outline. However, planning is critical in mapping out your book’s structure, flow, and key messages. Without a blueprint, you risk veering off course and losing coherence in your message.

The scariest moment is always just before you start.” — Stephen King

2. Ignoring Your Target Audience

Understanding who you are writing for is pivotal. Aspiring writers and entrepreneurs looking to bolster their personal brand must tailor their content to meet the needs and interests of their ideal readers. Failing to do so can result in a book that doesn’t resonate or engage effectively.

3. Overlooking the Importance of a Writing Schedule

Writing a book is a significant undertaking that requires consistent effort. Without a regular writing schedule, it’s easy to lose momentum and let other commitments overshadow your book project. Dedicate specific times for writing to ensure steady progress.

4. Neglecting the Editing Process

The first draft is just the beginning. Many authors make the mistake of considering their first draft ready for publication. Editing is crucial to refine your ideas, correct mistakes, and improve overall readability. Moreover, according to an article by Sribbr, when evaluating your writing at this stage, you’re mainly looking for larger issues such as changes to your arguments or structure. Starting with bigger concerns saves you time—there’s no point perfecting the grammar of something you end up cutting out anyway. Author Academy emphasises the importance of thorough editing, often facilitated your seasoned writing coach.

5. Writing in Isolation

While writing is often a solitary activity, isolation can hinder your progress. Engaging with a community of writers, such as participating in Author Academy’s group coaching or attending our four-day author retreat, can provide valuable feedback, encouragement, and new perspectives.

6. Being Overly Critical of Your First Draft

Many writers fall into the trap of perfectionism, constantly critiquing their work and hindering progress. According to a blog by Iulian Ionesco, when it comes to your creative writing, here is a realisation that could help you break through that paradigm: NOBODY gets to see your first draft, but you! Remember, the first draft is about getting your ideas down. Refinement comes later in the editing stages. 

7. Not Defining Clear Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals for your book project is essential. Whether it’s completing a chapter a week or writing a certain number of words daily, goals keep you focused and motivated.

8. Underestimating the Time and Effort Required

Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Many new authors underestimate the time and dedication needed to complete a manuscript. Be realistic about the journey ahead and commit fully to the process.

9. Failing to Seek Professional Guidance

Navigating the book-writing journey alone can be overwhelming. Author Academy’s tailored coaching programs, including one-on-one consultations and dedicated author retreat provide expert guidance to streamline your writing process and enhance your book’s impact.

Asking for other’s guidance helps you see what you may not be able to see. It’s always important to check your ego and ask for help.” – Kenneth H. Blanchard, Business Consultant and Motivational Speaker

10. Ignoring the Business Aspect of Book Writing

For entrepreneurs and business owners, a book is not just a personal achievement but also a strategic business tool. Ignoring the potential of your book to generate leads, boost your brand, and establish authority in your industry is a significant oversight. Understanding and leveraging the business side of book writing can transform your book project into a powerful asset for your business.

In conclusion, writing a book is an ambitious yet fulfilling endeavour. By avoiding these common mistakes and leveraging the right support, like the services offered by Author Academy, you can navigate the book-writing journey with confidence and success. If you’re ready to start writing your own book and want to ensure a smooth, productive journey, get a book writing starter package at Author Academy today. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together, turning your idea into a published reality.


1. How do I start writing a book for the first time?

Begin by defining your book’s purpose and target audience. Then, outline your chapters or key points, set a regular writing schedule, and start drafting. Remember, the first draft is about getting your ideas down; editing comes later.

2. What are the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing a book?

Common mistakes include skipping the planning phase, neglecting the target audience, lacking a consistent writing schedule, insufficient editing, writing in isolation, being overly critical of initial drafts, not setting clear goals, and underestimating the project’s scope.

3. How important is planning before starting to write a book?

Planning is crucial as it provides a roadmap for your writing journey, helping you stay focused and organised. It ensures that your message and topic has a clear structure and direction, which is essential for engaging your readers effectively.

4. Can I write a book without an outline?

While it’s possible to write a book without an outline, it’s not recommended. An outline helps organise your thoughts and plot, making the writing process smoother and ensuring that your theme or book premise flows logically.

5. How much time should I allocate to writing my book each day?

The amount of time can vary, but aiming for a consistent daily or weekly schedule is key. Even short daily writing sessions can be productive. Start with manageable goals, like writing for an hour a day or completing a specific word count each week.

6. Why is editing my book important?

Editing is vital to improve clarity, flow, and coherence, and to eliminate errors and inconsistencies. It helps refine your message and ensures that your book meets professional standards, enhancing its readability and overall quality.

7. How can Author Academy help in writing my book?

Author Academy offers customised coaching, one-on-one consultations, writing programs with business coaching options, group coaching, and author retreats, providing the guidance and support needed to write and publish your book successfully.

8. Is it beneficial to join a community of writers when writing my book?

Yes, joining a community provides support, feedback, and motivation, helping you overcome challenges and improve your writing. Networking with other writers can also offer new insights and inspiration for your work.


Ready to take the next step in your book-writing journey? Get a writing starter package at Author Academy. Discover how personalised guidance can transform your writing process and help you achieve publishing success.

Get a Writing Starter Package Today!

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