
Author Academy Retreat Sample Event

5 MARCH 2023
Book Writing Coach


Hello there, my name is Andrew Griffiths, I’m an international bestselling author. I’ve been writing books for almost 20 years. In that time I’ve written 14 books that have been sold in over 65 countries. I’ve been published by leading publishers, Allen & Unwin and Simon & Schuster and in recent years, I’ve embraced self publishing, working closely with Publish Central.

Just about every day someone comes up to me and to say that they want to write a book. I’m often amazed at just how many people want to write a book, but the big problem is they simply don’t know where to start. And in reality, the book writing and publishing process is a complex one, where it’s easy to make mistakes. In other words you need a great guide, and that’s where I come into the picture.

In the past 10 years I’ve personally coached and mentored well over 850 people to write and publish their first book (and I’m very proud to say that some have written two, three, four and even five books with my coaching). I’ve worked with authors from virtually every industry sector who have written books on just about every topic imaginable. I’ve developed unique frameworks, models and processes for new and aspiring authors that help them not just write a good book but write a world class book. I’ve taught book writing and publishing programmes in the UK, Singapore, Bali and throughout Australia.

A few years back I started to run 4 day Author Academy retreats. The concept was to take a group of new authors to a beautiful location and help them map out their books in detail and get them one hundred percent ready to write. I ran my first few Author Academy retreats in Bali and they were very successful. The people attending the retreat loved the immersion concept and I loved teaching in this environment. We had the time for deeper discussions, one on one coaching and workshopping of everyone’s book concept, structure and overall plan. And of course, this has translated in virtually every author doing the retreat writing and publishing their book.

I’ve run these retreats in Bali, Cairns, Inverloch – and now Hobart. The main aim is to help you get clear on your book idea, develop your book plan and give you the skills and knowledge to be able to write your book.

AUTHOR ACADEMY is exclusively for aspiring authors who are ready to write their first non-fiction book. It’s going to be an energetic, informative and engaging few days where you will learn a great deal about the book writing and the book publishing worlds. The group size will be kept at 10 or below, so spaces are limited. All of the information you need to know about AUTHOR ACADEMY can be found below.

Andrew Griffiths


AUTHOR ACADEMY is designed for two types of people – those who are ready to write their first non-ficion book who want a structured process to follow, one on one mentoring as well as group learning and a peer group for support – and that’s exactly what you get at this retreat. The second kind of author are those who have written a book in the past, but didn’t really have a structure to follow – now they want to write another book and they want to do it in a more strategic and structured way.

Regardless of what kind of author you are, you don’t need to be absolutely clear on what your book will be about, we spend a lot of time getting that crystal clear during the retreat.


AUTHOR ACADEMY will be held at the famous and perfectly positioned Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart. This is an iconic hotel, literally on the waterfront and close to the major attractions that make Hobart such a great city to visit. And the old feeling of the waterfront, the boats, the restaurants and cafes – all make this a perfect venue for an Author Academy.


The retreat runs on the following days and times:

Thursday 2nd March 2023 8.30am – 4.00pm
Friday 3rd March 2023 8.30am – 4.00pm
Saturday 4th March 2023 8.30am – 4.00pm (we might amend these hours to give everyone a chance to visit the Salamanca Markets).
Sunday 5th March 2023 8.30am – 4.00pm

At the Hotel Grand Chancellor there are two room types to choose from, the City Side and the Harbour View. If you can I’d suggest getting the Harbour View – the views over Constitution Dock and the Hobart Waterfront overall are stunning. The hotel has set up a special booking page for my events with set rates. Follow the link here for more information – Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart . Alternatively you can email directly at

Other Accommodation Options – Hobart is a stylish city and a popular tourist destination. There is no shortage of quality hotels as well as Air BnB accommodation options. I’m sure that if you are looking for something specific, you’ll find it. Just check on the location to make sure it’s nice and close to the Hotel Grand Chancellor. And be aware that Hobart has become a busy city at certain times of the year, so don’t leave booking any accommodation to the last minute. Here are some other hotel options within 10 minutes walk of the event venue:

28 Elizabeth St (03) 6235 9888

ARGYLE ACCOMMODATION50 Argyle St (03) 6234 8292

QUEST WATERFRONT3 Brooke St (03) 6224 8630

VIBE HOTEL36 Argyle St (03) 6240 5600

110 Liverpool St (03) 6213 4200

MANTRA ON COLLINS58 Collins St (03) 6226 1111

THE TASMAN12 Murray St (03) 6240 6000

MACq 0118 Hunter St (03) 6210 7600

Book Writing Coach


Hobart is my favourite city in Australia. It has everything that you’d expect in a significant city of its size, but it is also the perfect place to wander and explore and visit many of the attractions in the city and close by. I’d strongly suggest taking a few extra days either before the retreat starts or after the retreat ends to take a look around. And if you do it after the retreat, perhaps you can spend a few days working on your book.